Written by: Brett Nelson, May 20, 2022

Dear Readers – Thank you for coming back for the May 2022 installment of AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT.
I’ve had a busy and eventful month since my last blog. One thing I haven’t written about yet is that my book, WHEN RAINDROPS FALL, hit #4 on the Amazon Best-Seller list in late February and early March. It’s not nearly as impressive as making the New York Times or USA Today best-selling lists, but as they say, every journey begins with a small step.
It was my first time to witness one of my humble little ebooks downloaded on Amazon more than 10,000 times in less than a week, and it was very exciting for me.
I had stacked book promotions through several discount ebook sites I use. I don’t usually check book sales every day, but I knew I had several promotions starting that day, so I logged on that Tuesday about noon to check my sales and my eyes nearly popped out of my head to see over a thousand sales already.
My all-time high for a book promotion day was about a hundred, so to see a thousand sales just before lunch…needless to say, I did several doubletakes to make sure I wasn’t imagining things.
I immediately jumped on the phone and called my mom. “Mom, I’m #133 on the Amazon Best-Seller list!” I screamed.
Throughout the day, I kept my closest friends and family in the loop with my book’s journey up the chart.
“I’m #84!”
“I’m #73!
I’m sure every time they got a text from me, their eyes rolled a little further back into their heads…LOL But, they love me and were good sports about it.
I told my friend Sharon, “I’m on the Amazon Top 30, which is amazing! But, how cool would it be to make the top 10!”
Never thinking it possible, we watched as it fell to #23, then to #19, then to #13.
I was excited and a train-wreck all at the same time.
My friend Sharon began emailing all her friends and family, asking them to go to Amazon and buy the book so I could hopefully make it to the top 10 on Amazon. I also took to Facebook, and several of my friends shared my post and asked THEIR friends to buy my book as well.
Since I was so close to #10, I emailed a couple of ebook promoters that I frequently use, explained the situation, and begged them (yes…I’m not too terribly ashamed to say that I actually begged them) to include my book on their next day email blasts, which they were happy to do. They were instrumental in helping my book land at #4. (A HUGE shoutout to Book Raid and The Fussy Librarian—without their willingness to slip in a promotion with literally no notice, I would never have made it to the Amazon Top 5.)
Next time, I’ve got the #1 slot in my focus. After that, I’m coming after the New York Times and USA Today! (Gotta have goals, right?)
Speaking of the New York Times and USA Today Best-Seller lists, I’m excited to introduce you to today’s AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT.
Kristen Middleton is a New York Times, a USA Today, and an Amazon Best-Selling author. With more than forty published books, she is a well-known and formidable author in the publishing industry. She also writes under the pen names Cassie Alexandra and K.L. Middleton.
She writes many different genres, including Horror, Fantasy, Romance, and Mystery/Thriller, so no matter what you like to read, chances are Kristen writes in your favorite genre.
She, her husband, and her two daughters live in the Midwest. She enjoys traveling, reading, cooking, and spending time with family, and she raises money to help locate missing and exploited children.
Brett: Kristen—First of all, thank you for being a guest on my AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT blog! I’m excited to give my readers the opportunity to get to know you better. Let’s start by going back a few years to before you were a professional author. As a child, were you an avid reader? If so, what childhood books formed your love for reading?
Kristen: Thanks for having me, Brett! Yes, I was always an avid reader. We lived on a hobby farm when I was young, and there weren’t many other kids around, so I started reading and developed a passion for it. My mother and grandmother were also bookworms and would trade each other bags filled with paperbacks. Bored, I started reading them myself, selecting mostly the scary ones and thrillers. I grew up loving Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and John Sanford, along with so many others.
Brett: Tell us about the first time you decided to try and write something. Was a novel your first attempt at writing, or did you start smaller and work your way up to full-length novels?
Kristen: When I was around twenty, I received a typewriter as a gift and began trying to put a “novel” together. Unfortunately, I didn’t get very far. I was so obsessed with trying to make every sentence perfect the first time around that I soon gave up thinking it was just too much work. I also thought I was being foolish in thinking anyone would enjoy reading something I wrote.
Brett: Putting a novel out into the world, especially for the first time, can be scary, because even though it’s fiction, there’s still a little of the author tucked away in there. Wade through your memories and tell us about the first novel you ever published. How did you feel when you realized your first attempt at writing was out there for anyone in the world to pick up and read?
Kristen: That is so true about it being scary, and it seems like it was just yesterday that I hit that PUBLISH button on Amazon. It all began in 2011, when I received a Kindle for Christmas. I didn’t have much money and started reading free books written by self-published authors. Intrigued, and inspired by their work, I decided to give writing another go. This time, instead of agonizing over every line that I wrote, I decided to just start writing the story happening in my head and to not do any edits until I was finished. This was a game-changer for me, and I was able to complete my first book, ZOMBIE GAMES (Origins), in early 2012. This was the first book in my zombie series, which I’d originally meant to write as one complete novel. There was so much more to write, however, and so I decided to go the series route. I then told my friend about it and she asked to read the manuscript. Nervous, I let her read it and can still remember the text she sent me about how much she’d enjoyed it. I thought she was just being nice, but it was still very encouraging and a couple days later, I created a cover and uploaded the book to Amazon. After it was published, I waited nervously for the bad reviews to come in and was shocked that people were not only downloading my $.99 book but enjoying the story. I couldn’t believe it when I was seeing more good reviews than bad.
Brett: When it comes to novel writing, are you a “plotter” or a “pantser?” Do you plot your novels before writing them, or do you just jump in and figure it out as you go along?
Kristen: I am more of a pantser. Even if I plot something out, it always changes. That’s probably why I have so many series books, I just keep going and going.
Brett: As an established author, I know you’ve probably had your fair share of difficulties to navigate over the years. Could you share with us some of the obstacles you’ve faced in your journey to becoming a best-selling author?
Kristen: Standing out on Amazon and getting readers to download my books, which is obviously a very common obstacle, unless you’re Stephen King or James Patterson. Advertising was always my go-to and I spent hours and money researching what helped. Unfortunately, what worked five years ago, doesn’t always work the same today. Both Facebook and Amazon are always changing the rules and now it’s becoming so expensive to advertise, you really need to know what you’re doing and keep testing. When I became a bestseller, I was fortunate enough to write what was popular and have support from other authors who helped guide me. These days, marketing is so much more challenging, especially if you’re not constantly pushing out fresh books. Even if you write an epic story that deserves to be a bestseller, you face so many challenges getting your book in front of people.
Brett: In the same vein, let’s talk about something that all authors dread but will inevitably face: BAD REVIEWS. As you know, no matter how famous and well-regarded an author is, none are immune from bad reviews. Overly harsh reviews tend to plunge me into the depths of despair for the first few days after I see one, then I snap out of it and move on. I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you’ve received bad reviews. How did you react to your very first bad reviews early in your career? How do you handle them now that you’re a more established and well-known author with a massive following? Do you “sneak a peek” at your reviews on occasion, or do you just ignore them?
Kristen: Yeah, I used to get pretty ill myself but have now made it a point not to read them. Actually, let me take that back – I will take a quick peek at the first five or so and then stay away. People have different tastes and I definitely know I’m not going to please everyone. What I don’t read, won’t hurt me. I only wish more people would take the time to review the books they’ve enjoyed. I do get it that we’re all busy and these things slip our minds, unless you’ve read something horrible and you want to voice an opinion. I’m guilty myself of taking more time to review things that have irritated me, like bad service or bad products that I’ve received through Amazon.
Brett: This is a nearly impossible question to ask an author because our books are our blood, sweat, and tears, so forgive me in advance. Of all the books you’ve written, can you tell us the top three all-time favorites you’ve written, and why?
Kristen: I love my Zombie Games series. They consist of five books and I based the characters off my family and friends. They will always hold a special place in my heart.
Brett: You are a very diverse author in that you publish in several genres, including Horror and Fantasy, Romance, and Mystery/Thrillers. Most author conferences I’ve attended basically tell authors to, “pick a lane and stay in it.” As an author, I can say that is horribly boring advice (ha!) It seems, though, that you’ve defied that advice and excelled at what you’ve accomplished. Talk to us about why you chose to write in so many varying genres rather than “staying in one lane.”
Kristen: I am an avid reader of many different genres and sometimes stories just hit me, and I go with it. I do think that if I had stayed with one genre the profits would have been better, but I tend to go where my inspiration leads me. I also believe that if you’re writing strictly for money, you have a higher chance of getting writer’s block and putting out stories that you’re not happy with.
Brett: From what I can determine, DRAGON’S BLOOD is your most recent release. Tell us a little about that book.
Kristen: That’s actually a book I’d published previously, called BLOOD OF BREKKON. I’d been involved in a multi-author series created by another author and our contracts ended. We were able to use the stories after this but I had to make some major changes to the background and the main plot.
Brett: Now, let’s talk about your romance books for a few minutes. What style would best characterize your romance novels?
Kristen: Most of my romance novels are steamy (especially my biker series under Cassie Alexandra). When I decided to go this route, it was from advice from some of my successful author friends. I am changing gears however, and trying to write small-town, clean romance. I have one in particular that I’ve been writing. Unfortunately, it’s taking me longer because admittedly, I get bored writing romance without adding a killer, psychic, or weird plot twist.
Brett: You are a New York Times and USA Today Best-Selling author. That is an amazing feat for any author, especially an Indy author. I’d love to hear a little more about that. I know there are criteria authors must meet to make one of these lists, but how did you find out that you were included on these best-seller lists? What was your first book to become a best-seller? How did you celebrate when you found out you were a best-seller for the very first time?
Kristen: I actually joined a group of authors in a science fiction anthology called Dark Humanity and we were lucky enough to make the NY Times and USA Today Bestseller list in February of 2017. Within the next year, my biker series hit the USA Today Bestseller list and I was in another boxed set called Bad Boys Unboxed (Tangled Mess was included in that). It did take a lot of advertising and push to get there with the NY Times list. I am more proud of my biker series hitting the USA Today list because I did that all on my own.
Brett: Now, let’s discuss my favorite genre: Mystery/Thriller. I recently read one of your novels for the first time, FORGET ME NOT, and I loved it, which is why I knew I had to have you as a guest on my blog. FORGET ME NOT—Book One in your Summit Lake thriller series—is a story of every mother’s nightmare. A deranged person targets a single mom through cryptic notes and strange gifts left on her doorstep. What was your inspiration in creating such a fascinating story?
Kristen: I’m so happy you enjoyed it and thank you so much for the compliment! I love this genre myself. I’m a horror and thriller fanatic and always wanted to write a psycho killer type of book. That is another story that just came to me one day and I decided to go with it.
Brett: Of all the books you’ve written, is there one that stands out as the most difficult one to write, either emotionally or technically, etc? Why?
Kristen: Definitely, LOOKING FOR LAINEY, which is a story about human trafficking, was by far the hardest. I found myself sick to my stomach writing the story as it played in my head. My daughters were fairly young at the time and so it hit really hard as I was doing my research and creating the book as to how vulnerable our young people are. When my oldest daughter was in her first year of college, she recalled a day she was sitting in a coffee shop working on homework, and suddenly realized some guy was taking pictures of her. This was in Duluth, MN, and I’ve heard that human trafficking is bad there. She left right away and went back to her dorm but was too skittish to ever go back. Fortunately, she’s switched colleges and is closer to home now. Still, our young people aren’t safe anywhere and it’s made me a little paranoid since having children.
![Looking For Lainey (Carissa Jones Crime Thriller) by [Kristen Middleton, K.L. Middleton, Cassie Alexandra]](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51GmnyWZzrL.jpg)
Brett: About how long does it take you to write one novel?
Kristen: I stopped writing fulltime, so it’s taking me about six months now to write a novel.
Brett: Think back over all the books you’ve written—and there are plenty. You’ve written hundreds if not thousands of characters. Which character would you not get along with in real life? Which one would be a friend you’d most like to have?
Kristen: I think there is part of me in every main character, so I imagine that I’d have a good group of friends. The one person I really enjoyed writing, however, was Kristie from Zombie Games. She’s a riot and is actually based off of a real friend with a similar sense of humor.
Brett: When you start writing a book, do you always know the title before you begin writing? Or have there been times when the title didn’t emerge until later in the writing process?
Kristen: Actually, I usually do know the title. Many times, I have a cover created right away and then keep looking at it to inspire me.
Brett: Do you ever finish a book and worry that you’ll never be able to write another one?
Kristen: Yeah, sometimes a book is very exhausting to write and I am glad it’s over. But then weeks go by and I just have to write another one. I guess genre hopping definitely helps. I can’t write the same genre back-to-back.
Brett: After completing a novel, how long does it take before you launch into the next one?
Kristen: In the beginning, I was writing them back to back, maybe taking a week off. Now it takes me a couple months to get into the groove again.
Brett: Give us a description of your working space. Is there anything you must have to flow in the creative process? When you take a minute to look out the nearest window, what do you see?
Kristen: I have an office with a great view of our cul-de-sac. When I’m actually writing, I need silence so that I can concentrate on the movie playing in my head. I can’t have music, which I feel a little sad about, or many distractions. I get into this fugue state and just type what’s happening in my brain.
Brett: Let’s pretend Hollywood just called and they want to make a blockbuster movie of ONE of your books, and you must choose which book. Which would it be? You also get to be the Casting Director—who plays the main protagonist and the main antagonist?
Kristen: ZOMBIE GAMES, my favorite series. Cassie is the heroine and is only seventeen. I actually would love Zendaya to play the main character. She is such a wonderful actress and can be strong, fierce, and yet vulnerable at the same time.
Brett: Who is your current favorite author(s)? What book are you reading?
Kristen: It depends on my mood, honestly. I love Stephen King, but I also love Kristin Hannah, who writes tear-jerking romances. I’m not currently reading anything, which might be why I haven’t been writing lately. I need to get on that.
Brett: I remember the first time I cried when writing a particularly emotional scene in my novel, A CHRISTMAS TO LIVE FOR. I wasn’t expecting that to happen, and it took me by surprise. Has this happened to you? If so, can you describe which book and scene that was?
Kristen: I would say when I wrote my ZOMBIE GAMES book, some of my favorite people died and I don’t want to give away a spoiler, but I had readers mad at me for that…
Brett: If you could have lunch with another author, living or dead, who would that be?
Kristen: Honestly, Theresa Caputo. She’s a medium and has written some interesting books about talking to the dead. Plus, I used to watch her show. I find myself crying a lot when I sit down to watch an episode.
Brett: If I were to drive to your home and have dinner with the Middleton family, what would be on the menu?
Kristen: We’d grill something and hopefully eat outside.
Brett: If you could spend an entire weekend doing nothing but bingeing your favorite television shows, what would you watch?
Kristen: I would love to binge on Game of Thrones all over again. Right now, I’m watching Brittania, Black Summer, Euphoria, The Witcher, and Boba Fett.
Brett: What’s your favorite hobby/activity for the rare occasions you’re not writing?
Kristen: Reading, swimming, and taking hikes.
Brett: What’s your favorite format when you have time to sit down with a book (ebook, physical book, audiobook?)
Kristen: Ebook.
Brett: Have you ever read someone else’s novel and left thinking, “I could have written that better…”
Kristen: If the ending left me feeling ‘unfulfilled’, I will sometimes feel like that. I think as authors we all have a tendency to be more critical and find ourselves saying, “Now, what they should have done…” But, I generally don’t do it very often with most books I’ve read. I find myself getting frustrated with movie endings these days more than anything, however. I’m always like, really? This is the ending? Come on!
Brett: I know authors don’t like talking about their work before it’s completed but give us ONE word to best describe the novel you’re working on now.
Kristen: Different. I’m writing SUMMERS AT HUGO BAY, and it’s more of a drama about a group of women who come together every year to reminisce and celebrate a friend they lost back in high school. Of course, there will be some mystery as to why she died and other secrets the friends eventually find out about.
Brett: Kristen, thank you so much for being a guest on my AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT blog. I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have. Is there a date you can give us when your next novel will publish?
Kristen: I am hoping that it will be out by the summer (SUMMER AT HUGO BAY). Thanks so much for having me as a guest. I love meeting new author friends and I actually look forward to reading some of your books as well!

For readers interested in contacting Kristen Middleton, visit her website at: http://www.kristenmiddleton.com/home.html
Kristen enjoys hearing from her readers, so if you like to contact her, her email address is: [email protected].
If you’re interested in picking up a Kristen Middleton novel:

FORGET ME NOT: Book 1 in Summit Lake Thriller series: https://www.amazon.com/Forget-Thrilling-Suspense-Summit-Thriller-ebook/dp/B07G56WX57
If you’d like to delve into one of her romance books written as K.L. Middleton/Cassie Alexandra:
THE BURN: https://www.amazon.com/Burn-School-Bully-Romance-Diamond-ebook/dp/B08394XYFR
THE CHASE: https://www.amazon.com/Chase-School-Bully-Romance-Diamond-ebook/dp/B08393SQDK
If Horror/Fantasy is more up your alley:
![Enchanted Secrets (Witches of Bayport) Book One by [Kristen Middleton, K.L. Middleton, Cassie Alexandra]](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51f06005TcL.jpg)
ENCHANTED SECRETS: https://www.amazon.com/Enchanted-Secrets-Witches-Bayport-Book-ebook/dp/B008LZROC8
![Venom (Vampire Romance) Book One by [Kristen Middleton, Mae I Design]](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51JEML9E5oL.jpg)
VENOM: https://www.amazon.com/Venom-Vampire-Romance-Book-One-ebook/dp/B00MRACI3S
If you’d like to follow Kristen Middleton on social media, you can find her by clicking on these links:
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/KristenMiddletonAuthor/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/kristenmiddleton_author/?hl=en
Tik Tok – https://www.tiktok.com/@kristenmiddleton__
Finally, if you want to check out Brett Nelson’s books: https://www.amazon.com/Brett-Nelson/e/B08D2C1YSC
![A Christmas to Live For by [Brett Nelson]](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/519eifWq3wL.jpg)